Today’s the day

My very fist post on my own blog – without older son at my elbow to see I do it right!

With the publication of my first novel just 2 weeks away, I’ve discovered there is a lot needs to go on behind the scenes preparing for the launch – emails flying back and forwards to the publisher / checking the guest lists etc and the scary stuff of choosing suitable section(s) to read. Even more scary – will my family and friends who are not only buying a copy themselves:  Thank you! but also telling their  friends actually find it is to their taste when they get to read it? I’m guessing every author feels like this at this stage, but I’m also wondering if it changes with book no 2 or 20… or if it will always feel like this. – Any comments from those further down the track than me very welcome!

Once the next few weeks are over I hope to post interesting snippets – mostly 16th century – as that’s  the period I’m working in, but reserve the right to delve into other periods as curiosity directs. Research is my favourite displacement activity but I do try to curb my curiosity (sometimes).

For the time being though it’s the process of first publication that is foremost in my mind… any advice also welcome!

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